United Messianic Jewish Assemblies

Our Mission
Our mission is to glorify the God of Yisra'el and to see His Messiah Yeshua, and His Torah (instructions) lifted up so that both Jew and Gentile who wish to take hold of Adonai's covenants may be equipped to do so. The UMJA aims to unite Messianic congregations and ministries so that together we may accomplish the goal of spreading the Good News of Messiah Yeshua and teaching others how to become His disciples, that they may live holy lives like the Master. We hope to bind congregations together in love and shalom so that as a community we can all move forward to accomplish the task Adonai has set before us.
Our mission is to raise up men to take their rightful leadership positions in their homes, in their congregations, and in their communities. Together, we hope to spread the message of Yeshua the Messiah and spread the light of Adonai's Torah to the Jewish people and to the nations.
Beliefs & Convictions
I. The God of Avraham, Yitz;chak, and Ya'akov (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is the One and Only God.
II. We believe in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. We believe that this Word was manifested in the form of Messiah. We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised and prophesied Messiah who came to redeem mankind and who will rule as King over Yisra'el in the future coming Kingdom of God. We believe it is his Good News that we are to proclaim.
III. We believe in the inerrancy of the original manuscripts as found in the Tanakh and Brit Chadasha, for instruction, prophecy and doctrine, and that they alone hold authority in our lives.
IV. We believe that the Torah of Adonai has not been abolished, and the observance of it is still the valid expression of a godly faith...not as a means of salvation, but as the God-given path of sanctification. The Torah given to Moshe (Moses) is the same Torah that Messiah Yeshua taught us to observe. We are taught not only to observe it, but to also make disciples in the name of Yeshua the Messiah, and to teach them to live Torah- pursuant lives. (Matthew 5:16-19)
V. Love and unity. We will strive to let love and unity prevail when there is any difference in doctrine and practice.
** We believe that the Torah was meant for Yisra'el and all those of the nations who join its commonwealth (Ephesians 2) and take hold of its covenants (Zechariah 8:23). Any of those from the nations joining themselves to Yisra'el's commonwealth will be welcomed with open arms and will be treated as an equal citizen with equal responsibilities and privileges (B'midbar/Numbers 15:15-16). We understand our faith walk as being Messiah centered and “Torah-pursuant.”
As mentioned in our fourth pillar, it doesn’t matter if you are Jewish or from the nations, we do not believe that one must keep the Torah, or be observant of it, to be saved. On this note, we don’t believe it is obligatory. We understand that you cannot force holiness on anyone and it must be the desire and choice of the heart. So, although we aim to lead by example, and exhort our brothers and sisters to a life of holiness, we don’t force it on anyone. We exercise patience, love, and grace toward others, leaving room for Adonai to work in hearts.
With that being said, we also believe that if one chooses to walk a life of holiness by God’s standards, the Torah describes that walk. That is what we mean by “pursuing a Messianic Torah-centered life,” or being “Torah Pursuant." We may all be on a different part of the path when it comes to walking with HaShem, but our goal is to walk in a manner patterned after the Word. Torah describes the lifestyle of the redeemed.
As seen in Romans 10:4, it is evident that the goal is Yeshua HaMashiach (The Messiah) and we know what Yeshua’s life looked like. He was continually pursuant of His Father’s Torah. Because of this, we know that he was the perfect example of grace, mercy, loving-kindness, truth, and love, which we are called to follow. Our hearts desire and highest purpose is to lift up Yeshua and call all God’s people to learn to be better talmidim (disciples) of our Master, and our Rabbi.
What makes the UMJA unique?
1. Male Roles
We are a Messianic Jewish Organization that supports a Torah pursuant life for those believers in Yeshua who have either a Jewish or a Gentile origin. The UMJA also upholds the Biblical standard of patriarchal leadership within its organization and within its chartered congregations. This means that first and foremost we encourage men within the commonwealth of Yisra'el to take their rightful roles in Biblical leadership. Our eldership, leadership, rabbis, and pastors, will be comprised of the male heads and priests of our believing households.
We believe this will be re-establishing the good and perfect will of Adonai; as Yeshua the Messiah established only men to be one of the twelve Emissaries and leaders within the Messianic community. In addition, Adonai chose only men to write the Tanakh and Apostolic scriptures, and only the Cohanim (priests) were originally to teach Yisra'el His Torah.
Only in times when the men of Yisra'el would not take on their God-given responsibilities have exceptions been made. Any female leadership in Yisra'el (the only example being the Judge D'vorah) was an exception, not the rule. Even though we may not be popular with some for taking this stance, our alliance doesn't recognize women becoming rabbis, ro'im (pastors), z'kanim (elders), or a congregational leader.
** It should be noted that the UMJA doesn't consider dance leaders, worship leaders, or shamashim (assistants/helpers) to be under the above restriction. In these cases the UMJA will leave it to each congregation's leadership to decide these matters.
2. Affordability
In addition, the UMJA exists to be a benefit and a blessing to the congregations that join our alliance. We don't want any costs to hinder your congregational ministry. Therefore, we believe we should keep the costs of our yearly charter or association fees as low as possible. Annual fees go toward the basic operational costs of the UMJA, making the UMJA unique among other Messianic Jewish organizations.
Please note: The UMJA doesn't accept the following doctrines:​
Any form of Replacement Theology
Dispensational Theology
Two House/Ephraimite Theology
Sacred Name Doctrine
"Karaite" Theology and reckoning of the Moedim
Lunar Sabbath Doctrine